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Domestic Violence Law

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Experienced Domestic Violence Lawyer in Southern Oregon

Matt is a skilled domestic violence lawyer, representing clients accused of committing crimes involving domestic violence and victims of domestic violence that do not feel their rights are being adequately protected by the state. 

Domestic violence charges can immediately negatively impact the personal and professional lives of individuals accused of committing such crimes.  Matt understands the mere accusation of crimes involving domestic violence can result in significant non-criminal consequences that must be addressed while criminal charges are pending.  Such consequences include the temporary suspension of the accused’s constitutionally protected firearms rights and imposition of no-contact and move-out orders. 

Matt also understands that victims of domestic violence crimes often feel like they do not have a voice in the outcomes of the cases where they are named as victims. Matt gives voices to the victims of domestic violence that he represents, assisting them in expressing their concerns, frustrations, and desired outcomes to the State.

At Matthew Rowan Law, we know that domestic violence cases are inherently complex. With experience on both sides of the courtroom, Matt is prepared prepared to provide intelligent and precise legal solutions for each of his client’s unique cases. 

Our Services

For the Accused
  • Providing counsel to individuals under criminal investigation
  • Attending all court appearances
  • Drafting, filing, and arguing pre-trial motions with the court
  • Negotiating plea arrangements with the district attorneys 
  • Hiring a private investigator to interview the alleged victim
  • Trial advocacy
For a Victim
  • Providing counsel 
  • Attending all court appearances
  • Communicating with the district attorney and victim’s services


For a Victim
Need Immediate Help?
  • If you need IMMEDIATE help or are in danger, call 911. 
For Individuals Seeking Enrollment in Domestic Abuse Alternative Program Classes

Five Frequently Asked Questions

How does the State of Oregon define domestic violence?

Like most states, Oregon defines domestic violence as abuse between family or household members. Those relationships include:

  • A current or former spouse.
  • A person who cohabitates with or has cohabitated with the defendant.
  • A person with whom the defendant has or had a sexually intimate relationship.
  • An adult to whom the defendant is related by blood or marriage.
  • The other parent of the defendant’s child, no matter their past or current relationship.
What generally happens when someone is accused of a crime involving domestic violence in Oregon?

When someone is accused of domestic violence in Oregon, he or she is almost always detained by the police. Once they are released from jail, a no contact order will be put in place, precluding the accused from having contact with the alleged victim. No contact orders can lead to significant strain on everyone involved, especially when the parties share a home, personal property, and/or children. Depending on the circumstances of your unique domestic violence charges, and any criminal history involving the same, our skilled criminal defense attorney may seek an amendment or modification to the order for certain household or childcare purposes.

What are the consequences of a domestic violence conviction in Oregon?

Domestic violence charges in Oregon are determined by the specific circumstances of the situation, including whether the accused has a criminal history involving harassment or assault. Domestic violence is typically a misdemeanor charge unless a child was present during the altercation, or the accused has three or more prior domestic assault convictions, in which case the charge will increase to a Class C Felony. Most domestic violence convictions result in a court-ordered rehabilitation program, in addition to a variety of consequences, including:

  • Fines
  • Probation
  • Jail time
  • Loss of visitation and or custody of shared children
  • Mandatory classes and or counseling
  • Suspension or loss of your right to own or possess a firearm
What happens if the alleged victim no longer wants to pursue domestic violence charges in Oregon?

Whether or not criminal charges will be filed in a domestic violence case in Oregon is within the sole discretion of the prosecutor’s office. Many municipal courts do not handle domestic violence cases in Oregon, which may land your case in a circuit court, where the charges are usually there to stay. Even if an alleged victim explains that a domestic violence crime did not take place, the court will not automatically dismiss the charges. This makes it doubly important to partner with a skilled domestic violence attorney like Matt who can outline the facts of the case, and fight for your freedom.

What does a no contact order mean in Oregon?

No contact orders mean no contact. A no contact order is like a one way street: it prohibits a person accused of domestic violence from contacting an alleged victim.  However, the order does not prohibit an alleged victim from contact the accused.  If you are accused of a crime involving domestic violence you cannot contact the alleged victim yourself or through a third party.  Further, if you are accused of a crime involving domestic violence and alleged victim attempts to contact you, do not respond to the alleged victim. If you violate a no contact order in Oregon, you can be arrested and face additional criminal charges. The no contact order remains in effect until either you are convicted and sentenced, or the case is dismissed.  

If you are the alleged victim of a crime involving domestic violence and you want the no contact order lifted, you may petition the court to have the order modified or lifted.  Matthew Rowan Law can assist you with this process.  

Matthew Rowan Law
219 S. Holly St.
Medford, OR 97501